Logging - User Behavior Monitoring

While UBA (User Behavior Analytics) or UEBA (User and Entity Behavior Analytics), is a detection methodology typically used in more mature security operations, it still can be incredibly beneficial if deployed properly. The only caveat to this, is that it requires large amounts of data and tuning in order to be successful. This is NOT a plug and play security solution.

"If you do not know your environment and you have not implemented a basic defensible posture, do not start with these types of products" - SANS SEC555

UBA Components

User behavior monitoring typically involves 3 separate tasks:

  • Allow lists of user activities - Start with general activity accepted by all users. This is further enhanced with tagging and definitions of user groups.

  • Deny list of user activities - As above, start with general activity accepted by all users. This is further enhanced with tagging and definitions of user groups.

  • Identifying deviations from normal user activity. Most people are creatures of habit. This also extends to roles. While system admins may perform previously unseen tasks are regular intervals, the accounting department does not tend to stray from the same actions and applications.

UBA Tools

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